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In collaboration with ‘Sophie Says’, we have developed ‘Finding Bunny’, a programme for Reception teachers to use in the classroom. 

The early years play a huge role in creating a foundation for positive mental health. The development of our mental health or ill-health, like our physical health, is a combination of our genes, our environment and our ability to look after ourselves. Just like we teach our toddlers to brush their teeth and wash their hands, we can start to help them develop the skills to support their positive mental health and resilience. The earlier we begin the more likely it is that this will become second nature and part of how they navigate challenges.

Finding Bunny Programme

What can we do to support under 5s and build skills for positive mental health?

  • We can help children to understand and give voice to their feelings.
  • We can encourage children to try again when something is difficult.
  • We can teach children to play well together by encouraging empathy, sharing and kindness.

Finding Bunny develops the following skills required for children’s positive mental health:

  • Begin to understand feelings and regulate behaviour
  • Build independence and resiliency
  • Learn to work and play with others
  • Form positive relationships at school
  • Develop awareness of themselves and of others

 The programme includes a short teacher training webinar to support the teacher to deliver the programme.

Interested? Contact us 

Click to watch the video to see Finding Bunny in action in the classroom

"The children loved the video and the song and often asked to hear it at the end of the lesson. They looked forward to our sessions and I could see a marked improvement in the or understanding and behaviour as we progressed."

Reception Teacher